What's your business IT risk profile and why is it important?


Yes, we know…. IT businesses talking about SME security, privacy and compliance in and around your business systems. Software companies promoting their latest software that wraps your business data and systems up in cast iron security.

From our side, we speak to a lot of businesses that don’t know what they really have in their IT stack or cloud based systems. They don’t have a plan of what to do if something does go wrong. 

They simply don’t know what they don’t know!

The biggest risk to any business is not knowing what risk looks like. You need to have a plan in place when something goes wrong.

That’s where Shire IT brings their value.

Everyday we see ourselves helping small and medium business recover from preventable situations. We help them get back on track and get back to work. 

But how can you avoid these unfortunate events?

We start by establishing a risk profile, highlighting where the IT risks are and why. Based on the risk profile, we present our recommendations that will serve to protect the business from future risk and we make sure that you know what it all means in plain english.

Here are three (3) threat areas that are real areas of concern.

Cybercrime is no longer just a threat to big business.

It’s dramatically increasing and is more significant than you might realise. Attacks can include phishing emails designed to get hold of login information, hacking into databases to retrieve customer data/credit cards and software dropped on your device, network server or desktop locking all files and holding the business to ransom with financial demand. 

Cybercrime protection software from Shire IT means you can ignore their financial demands, reduce the risk of being hacked and be protected from future threats.

Natural disaster is one of the least thought about risks in the business world

It can be debilitating when it happens. Even major weather events that cause power to fail or internet connections to go down can cause major IT headaches for any business. 

Should your IT infrastructure or databases become unavailable through your local network, Shire IT can help you retain your access with smart cloud based services. Enabling you to get your business back up and running without worrying about your client and company data. 

Accidental deletion, the “what have I just done” moment…we have all been there.

With the click of a button, strike of a key or an unintentional action can cause entire databases to be thrown into the trash. Sometimes, you might delete data as part of a regular weekly requirement and need to restore it to solve a business problem. 

Shire IT can implement software that keeps your entire businesses deleted files in the cloud for up to 30 days enabling you to retrieve it within that window and take action.  

We work with SMEs everyday, we know the risks are real and we know costs are often a concern too. We have flexible packages that will give you pricing certainty every month and the confidence to move ahead knowing we have your back 24/7.

Get in touch with Shire IT today and start securing your business tomorrow.


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